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Accelerate Vector Search Applications Using OpenVINO & LanceDB


Last Modified : Tuesday, April 30, 2024

In this article, We use CLIP from OpenAI for Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image searching and we’ll also do a comparative analysis of the Pytorch model, FP16 OpenVINO format, and INT8 OpenVINO format in terms of speedup.

Here are a few Key points converted in this article.

Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image Search using CLIP

  1. Using the Pytorch model
  2. Using OpenVINO conversion to speed up by 70%
  3. Using Quantization with OpenVINO NNCF to speed up by 400%

These Results are on 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5–13420H using OpenVINO=2023.2 and NNCF=2.7.0 version.

You can check out the attached Google Colab to find all codes and easy-to-quick-start steps.

colab notebook - quickstart

CLIP from OpenAI

CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) is a neural network capable of processing both images and text.

CLIP is a multi-modal model, meaning it can understand both text and image inputs. It also means it can embed inputs in a multi-modal space where image and text lie in semantically meaningful positions regardless of their types.

The following image presents a visualization of the pre-training procedure

Combining Image and Text Embeddings (Source: OpenAI)

OpenVINO by Intel

OpenVINO toolkit is a free toolkit facilitating the optimization of a deep learning model from a framework and deploying an inference engine onto Intel hardware. We’ll use the FP16 and INT8 formats using the OpenVINO CLIP model.

This write-up uses OpenVINO to accelerate the LanceDB embedding pipeline.


In the Implementation section, we see the comparative implementation of the CLIP model from Hugging Face and OpenVINO formats, using the conceptual caption dataset.

We are starting with the first step of loading the conceptual caption dataset from Hugging Face.

image_data = load_dataset(
    "conceptual_captions", split="train",

We will select a sample of 100 images from this large number of images

#taking first 100 images
image_data_df = pd.DataFrame(image_data[:100])

Helper functions to validate image URLs and get images and captions from image URL

def check_valid_URLs(image_URL):
    Not all the URLs are valid. This function returns True if the URL is valid. False otherwise.
      response = requests.get(image_URL)
      return True
      return False

def get_image(image_URL):

    response = requests.get(image_URL)
    image ="RGB")

    return image

def get_image_caption(image_ID):

    return image_data[image_ID]["caption"]
# Transform dataframe
image_data_df["is_valid"] = image_data_df["image_url"].apply(check_valid_URLs)

#removing all the in_valid URLs
image_data_df = image_data_df[image_data_df["is_valid"]==True]

Now we have prepared the dataset and we are ready to start with CLIP using Hugging Face and OpenVINO and their performance comparative analysis in terms of speed.

Pytorch CLIP using Hugging Face

We’ll start with CLIP using Hugging Face and the time taken to extract embeddings and search using the LanceDB vector database.

def get_model_info(model_ID, device):
  Loading CLIP from HuggingFace
  # Save the model to device
  model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(model_ID).to(device)

  # Get the processor
  processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(model_ID)

  # Get the tokenizer
  tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_ID)

  # Return model, processor & tokenizer
  return model, processor, tokenizer

# Set the device
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model_ID = "openai/clip-vit-base-patch16"

model, processor, tokenizer = get_model_info(model_ID, device)

Let’s write a Helper Function to extract Text and Image Embeddings

def get_single_text_embedding(text):
  # Get single text embeddings
  inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors = "pt").to(device)

  text_embeddings = model.get_text_features(**inputs)

  # convert the embeddings to numpy array
  embedding_as_np = text_embeddings.cpu().detach().numpy()
  return embedding_as_np

def get_all_text_embeddings(df, text_col):
   # Get all the text embeddings
   df["text_embeddings"] = df[str(text_col)].apply(get_single_text_embedding)
   return df
def get_single_image_embedding(my_image):
  # Get single image embeddings
  image = processor(
      text = None,
      images = my_image,

  embedding = model.get_image_features(image)

  # convert the embeddings to numpy array
  embedding_as_np = embedding.cpu().detach().numpy()
  return embedding_as_np

def get_all_images_embedding(df, img_column):
  # Get all image embeddings
  df["img_embeddings"] = df[str(img_column)].apply(get_single_image_embedding)
  return df

Connect LanceDB to store extracted embeddings and search

import lancedb
db = lancedb.connect("./.lancedb")

Extracting Embeddings of 83 images using CLIP Hugging faces model and time taken to extract embeddings.

import time
# extracting embeddings using Hugging Face
start_time = time.time()
image_data_df = get_all_images_embedding(image_data_df, "image")
print(f"Time Taken to extract Embeddings of {len(image_data_df)} Images(in seconds): ", time.time()-start_time)

Here are the results:

Time Taken to extract Embeddings of 83 Images(in seconds):  55.79

Ingesting Images and their Embeddings in LanceDB for querying

def create_and_ingest(image_data_df, table_name):
    Create and Ingest Extracted Embeddings using Hugging Face
    image_url = image_data_df.image_url.tolist()
    image_embeddings = [arr.astype(np.float32).tolist() for arr in image_data_df.img_embeddings.tolist()]

    data = []
    for i in range(len(image_url)):
        temp = {}
        temp['vector'] = image_embeddings[i][0]
        temp['image'] = image_url[i]


    # Create a Table
    tbl = db.create_table(name= table_name, data=data, mode= "overwrite")
    return tbl

#create and ingest embeddings for pt model
pt_tbl = create_and_ingest(image_data_df, "pt_table")

Query the stored embeddings

Time taken to extract embeddings of all the images and query the stored embeddings

# Get the image embedding and query for each caption
pt_img_results = {}

start_time = time.time()
for i in range(len(image_data_df)):
    img_query = image_data_df.iloc[i].image
    query_embedding = get_single_image_embedding(img_query).tolist()

    #querying with image
    result =[0]).limit(4).to_list()
    pt_img_results[str(i)] = result

CLIP model using FP16 OpenVINO format

Now we’ll start with CLIP F16 OpenVINO format and the time taken to extract embeddings and ingesting in the LanceDB vector database.

import openvino as ov

#saving openvino model
model.config.torchscript = True
ov_model = ov.convert_model(model, example_input=dict(inputs))
ov.save_model(ov_model, 'clip-vit-base-patch16.xml')
Compiling the CLIP OpenVINO model

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import softmax
from openvino.runtime import Core

Compiling CLIP in Openvino FP16 format

# create OpenVINO core object instance
core = Core()
# compile model for loading on device
compiled_model = core.compile_model(ov_model, device_name="AUTO", config={"PERFORMANCE_HINT": "CUMULATIVE_THROUGHPUT"})
# obtain output tensor for getting predictions

Extracting Embeddings of 83 images using CLIP FP16 OpenVINO model and time taken to extract embeddings.

import time
#time taken to extract embeddings using CLIP OpenVINO format
start_time = time.time()
image_embeddings = extract_openvino_embeddings(image_data_df)
print(f"Time Taken to extract Embeddings of {len(image_data_df)} Images(in seconds): ", time.time()-start_time)

Here are the results:

Time Taken to extract Embeddings of 83 Images(in seconds):  31.79

Ingesting Images and their Embeddings in LanceDB for querying

def create_and_ingest_openvino(image_url, image_embeddings, table_name):
    Create and Ingest Extracted Embeddings using OpenVINO FP16 format
    data = []
    for i in range(len(image_url)):
        temp = {}
        temp['vector'] = image_embeddings[i]
        temp['image'] = image_url[i]


    # Create a Table
    tbl = db.create_table(name= table_name, data=data, mode= "overwrite")
    return tbl

#create and ingest embeddings for OpenVINO fp16 model
ov_tbl = create_and_ingest_openvino(image_url, image_embeddings, "ov_tbl")Query the stored embeddings

Time taken to extract embeddings of all the images and query the stored embeddings

# Get the image embedding and query for each caption
ov_img_results = {}
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(len(image_data_df)):
    img_query = image_data_df.iloc[i].image
    image = image_data_df.iloc[i].image
    inputs = processor(images=[image], return_tensors="np", padding=True)
    query_embedding = compiled_model(dict(inputs))["image_embeds"][0]

    #querying with query image
    result =
    ov_img_results[str(i)] = result

NNCF INT 8-bit Quantization

Using 8-bit Post Training Optimization from NNCF (Neural Network Compression Framework) and infer quantized model via OpenVINO Toolkit.

%pip install -q datasets
%pip install -q "nncf>=2.7.0"
import os
from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel

fp16_model_path = 'clip-vit-base-patch16.xml'

#inputs preparation for conversion and creating processor
model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch16")
max_length = model.config.text_config.max_position_embeddings
processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch16")

Helper Functions to convert into Int8 format using NNCF

import requests
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

def check_text_data(data):
    Check if the given data is text-based.
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return True
    if isinstance(data, list):
        return all(isinstance(x, str) for x in data)
    return False

def get_pil_from_url(url):
    Downloads and converts an image from a URL to a PIL Image object.
    response = requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=20)
    image =
    return image.convert("RGB")

def collate_fn(example, image_column="image_url", text_column="caption"):
    Preprocesses an example by loading and transforming image and text data.
    Checks if the text data in the example is valid by calling the `check_text_data` function.
    Downloads the image specified by the URL in the image_column by calling the `get_pil_from_url` function.
    If there is any error during the download process, returns None.
    Returns the preprocessed inputs with transformed image and text data.
    assert len(example) == 1
    example = example[0]

    if not check_text_data(example[text_column]):
        raise ValueError("Text data is not valid")

    url = example[image_column]
        image = get_pil_from_url(url)
        h, w = image.size
        if h == 1 or w == 1:
            return None
    except Exception:
        return None

    #preparing inputs for processor
    inputs = processor(text=example[text_column], images=[image], return_tensors="pt", padding=True)
    if inputs['input_ids'].shape[1] > max_length:
        return None
    return inputs

Initializing NNCF and Saving the Quantized Model

import logging
import nncf
from openvino.runtime import Core, serialize

core = Core()

#Initialize NNCF

int8_model_path = 'clip-vit-base-patch16_int8.xml'
calibration_data = prepare_dataset()
ov_model = core.read_model(fp16_model_path)

if len(calibration_data) == 0:
    raise RuntimeError(
        'Calibration dataset is empty. Please check internet connection and try to download images manually.'

#Quantize CLIP fp16 model using NNCF
calibration_dataset = nncf.Dataset(calibration_data)
quantized_model = nncf.quantize(

#Saving Quantized model
serialize(quantized_model, int8_model_path)

Compiling the INT8 model and Helper function for extracting features

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import softmax
from openvino.runtime import Core

# create OpenVINO core object instance
core = Core()
# compile model for loading on device
compiled_model = core.compile_model(quantized_model, device_name="AUTO", config={"PERFORMANCE_HINT": "CUMULATIVE_THROUGHPUT"})

# obtain output tensor for getting predictions
image_embeds = compiled_model.output(0)
logits_per_image_out = compiled_model.output(0)

image_url = image_data_df.image_url.tolist()
image_embeddings = []

def extract_quantized_openvino_embeddings(image_data_df, compiled_model):
    Extract embeddings of Images using CLIP Quantized model
    for i in range(len(image_data_df)):
        image = image_data_df.iloc[i].image
        inputs = processor(images=[image], return_tensors="np", padding=True)

    return image_embeddings

import time

start_time = time.time()

#time taken to extract embeddings using CLIP OpenVINO format
image_embeddings = extract_quantized_openvino_embeddings(image_data_df, compiled_model)

print(f"Time Taken to extract Embeddings of {len(image_data_df)} Images(in seconds): ", time.time()-start_time)

Here are the results

Time Taken to extract Embeddings of 83 Images(in seconds):  13.70

Ingest embeddings into LanceDB

#create and ingest embeddings for OpenVINO int8 model format
qov_tbl = create_and_ingest_openvino(image_url, image_embeddings, "qov_tbl")

Time taken to extract embeddings of all the images and query the stored embeddings

# Get the image embedding and query for each caption
ov_img_results = {}
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(len(image_data_df)):
    img_query = image_data_df.iloc[i].image
    image = image_data_df.iloc[i].image
    inputs = processor(images=[image], return_tensors="np", padding=True)
    query_embedding = compiled_model(dict(inputs))["image_embeds"][0]

    #querying with query image
    result =
    ov_img_results[str(i)] = result

colab notebook Now we have the performance throughput of all the CLIP model formats Pytorch from Hugging Face, FP16 OpenVINO, and INT8 OpenVINO.


All these results are on CPU for comparison of the Pytorch model with the OpenVINO model formats(FP16/ INT8)

The time taken to extract Embeddings for 83 Images using CLIP in different formats are

  1. Pytorch model from Hugging Face — 55.26 seconds

  2. OpenVINO FP16 format — 31.79 seconds

  3. OpenVINO INT8 format — 13.70 seconds

The Performance acceleration achieved with the FP16 model is 1.73 times, representing a relatively modest increase in speed compared to expectations.

Conversely, when considering the INT8 OpenVINO format, there is a 4.03 times increase in speed compared to the PyTorch model.