In this article, You will understand what is Flattening, why it is necessary to be included in Computer Vision architecture, and what will happen if we forget to add it to Network.
We all know about Kernels in CNN, most of us already used them but we don’t understand them properly.
Softmax is a mathematical function used to normalize the values between 0 and 1.
While solving most of the computer vision problems one of the important tasks is to collect images (dataset). Each image will have a different shape but to train our model on those images we need all of the images in one shape.
In this article, We use CLIP from OpenAI for Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image searching and we’ll also do a comparative analysis of the Pytorch model, FP16 OpenVINO format, and INT8 OpenVINO format in terms of speedup.
Embeddings are numeric representations of content, such as text or code. This helps machine learning models understand semantic relationships with data points and perform similarity-based retrieval.